COMPSOGNATUS: In the cage of the Research Facility (where you encage the Compy).
INOSTRANCEVIA: Entrance Passage of Eduard City.
MOSASAURUS: Control Room of 3d Energy Facility (behind a Computer, near the safe point).
TYRANOSASURUS REX: Table of the entrance of the Military Facility.
PLESIOSAURUS: Elevator beforethe 3d Energy Facility.
TRICERATOPS: After the video of David and the Raptors, before the part of the triceratops running after you.
OVIRAPTOR: Hidden in a dead man and a jeep, near Robstons Store.
PTERANODON: In a crashed Truck, before you use the 3d Energy key card.
VELOCIRAPTOR: Al lado del save point del Water Tower.
GIGANOTOSAURUS: Control Room of Missile Silo, behind the monitor of a Computer.
ALLOSAURUS: Dead man in the bridge where you see the T. Rex.
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