Dino Crisis 1

Game Codes

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      Management office safe combo
      0426-Combo for the safe in the Management Office

      John Doyle’s ID number
      57036-ID for John Doyle

      Security Pass Room computer code
      31415-Access code for computer in Security Pass Room

      Stabilizer Design access code 2
      0204-Access code for 2nd computer in Stabilizer Design Room

      Stabilizer Design access code 1
      0367-Access code for 1st computer in Stabilizer Design Room

      Parts Storage computer code
      364204-Access code for the computer in the Parts Storage Area

      Stabilizer Experiment Room case combo
      1281-Combo for the case in Stabilizer Experiment Room

      Secuity Pass Room keychip code
      0392-Access code for Key Chips in Security Pass Room

      B1 Library computer code
      3695-Access code for computer in the library Room on floor B1

      Gas Experiment Room keycode
      7248-Access code to unlock Gas Experiment room

      Gas Combinations
      RED -defeats-> GREEN
      BLUE -defeats-> ORANGE
      GREEN -defeats-> PURPLE

      Paul Baker’s ID number
      59104-ID for Paul Baker

      Lounge safe combo
      The combo for the lounge on the 2nd floor is 8159

      Paul Baker’s ID Number
      The ID# is 58104-ID for Paul Baker.

      Dr. Kirk’s ID Number
      Dr. Kirk-31415

      All DDK door’s passwords
      1=Enter “HEAD” to open the Chief’s Room door.

      2=Back to Main Entrance. To unlock this door enter “NEWCOMER”.

      3=In B1 Hall, input “LABORATORY” to unlock the door.

      4=Back to Computer room, insert your Key Card in the key card device. Regina will call Gail for help. After that, you have to use your DDK Disc and enter “ENERGY”.

      5=In Rest Station room, enter WATERWAY to unlock the door.

      6=In the room were you enter the B2 chips 1 and 2, there is a DDK door. Unlock this door by entering “STABILIZER”.

      7=In the Parts Storage room there is also a door. Enter DOCTORKIRK to unlock this door.

      Chief’s Vault Combo
      Type in 705037 at the vault. It will open and reveal the card to Dr. Kirk’s secret lab in the control room.

      Please do not contact me for game help, that's what our forums are for. 🙂
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